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Welcome ... no really, I'm welcoming you.

Hi there.

I'm Casey (CasKer) Parker.

I'm a crisis counselor, and a horribly mentally tortured person. And from what I've found from all of the data I have available to me that one of the biggest problems in all of our minds today is definitely the isolation. The desolate, cold sense of being outside and alone when you call out in desperate moments to friends and family to find none to hear you. The days you go to the psychiatrist and just don't say a word because you did last time, and they just changed your meds like your feelings mean nothing and should be quieted.

For you, and for the ones on the fringe of society just for saying what they're seeing (I mean you, UFO guy and Conspiracy Exposer). For all of us ... let's have some compassion. And let's agree to some basic ground rules.

The Rules:

  1. I understand that I've chosen to build this on the Steem network. I expect everyone to respect my wish that this forum be entirely divorced from the idea of that as a source of income. Share freely and talk openly about feelings and things you need to say. If you want upvotes for money's sake, I ask that you please take that to steemit, or somewhere like that. There are to be no crypto currency conversations here at all.

  2. No memeing ... and I don't really mean you can't use a meme to express something. I mean I don't think that the meme style of comedy can possibly appreciate the gravity of the subjects that will often be discussed here.

  3. No judging ... and this one is hard. I'll certainly be forgiving, but please lead one another as best you can here. I ask that when somebody is telling you the story of their traumatic experience at the hands of another ... it is not our place to pass any judgment of a moral kind on the story teller or the other person. We are here for mutual understanding and compassion. There is no need to demonize, only to understand.

  4. Don't re-post. It can't happen on accident if you're using this correctly at all. If you're posting something you found ... please don't do that. I want this place to not be a haven of robots and robot-like humans. There will be no sales, and nothing of the kind. If you have posted elsewhere, great - but you've already had your audience and been heard. Do not repost or attempt to craft your post for any specific reward. Use this ... use us. Use me. To be heard. To have yourself considered.

I look around and see things only getting worse. Entire communities broken down to minnows and big fish, in steemit parlance. And I don't like it ... I don't want it. I want you to join me here, and talk about what you actually need to talk about. Talk about what you have to say. Understand that you are a person and you are valid and you are not a number or "value". You are you.