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My journey into the crypto market is only beggining...

Back in 2010, I would read alot about bitcoin, its value and what services it was used to buy. The concept of "investing" in internet money didn't really seem appealing to me at the time. Imagine, one magic internet coin with so much value behind it could change the way I live, work and breathe. I wasn't thinking like an investor would, that maybe this coin or others like it could potentially make me comfortably rich for the rest of my life. Nevertheless, I never did invest in this coin. And let me tell you, I have never been so right about being wrong.

Fast-forward to 2017, and it feels like I have now entered a whole new world. I was introduced to the potential of crypto currencies by my chiropractor, who wanted me to invest in his company bitqyck. That very night, I did further research into crypto and by chance, I stumbled upon Random Tandem's youtube stream where they were hyping Chaincoin. Upon further research, I found that Max from "HighOnCoins" was the face behind this movement. He peaked my interest even more by assuring his viewers that by Holding On to Dear Life, which means not selling your purchased coins, that we would succeed in increasing the value of this particular coin. To be honest, I have never heard of "HODL technology" but I felt a bell ring in my head, and that sterotypical $$$ signs filled my very soul...

To be continued....