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Hi Hive, I'm JUST MINGKAY!!!

Minimalist Elegant Beauty and Travel Vlog Youtube Channel Art (1).png

I am a firm believer that a picture can paint a thousand words. But I think not only it paints words, it also inspires us to take action and be one with nature. My goal is to let people reconnect and appreciate the beauty of nature and of course the world.


Hello, I am Lawrence from the Tuna capital of the Philippines General Santos City, Saranggani Province, Philippines. I am a solo backpacker, landscape photographer & a newbie trader.

Before I share my world here in Hive, I would like to share a little bit of a story, in how my journey as a landscape photographer started.


As Neale Donad Walsch said:

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"

Before I started photography, I was a kid who doesn't know his passion and purpose in life. I only love to play DOTA and simply go with the flow. Unfortunately, I did not achieve a college degree as I got addicted in video games.

It came to a point that I really hit rock bottom, I was so unmotivated, devastated, & a guy with no direction. At that moment, it really got me scared to think that I wont be able to achieve something in this lifetime.

My Darkest Days

I am not sure if you believe that during your darkest days, God will help you and point you into the right direction? Believe me, at that moment, one of my closest friend suddenly contacted me.

I can still remember back in 2017, I was invited into a cosplay event in University of the Philippines by a close of mine. Her boyfriend let me borrowed his camera and when I first tried it, you know the feeling that it just suddenly resonates with you?

Yes, I felt something finally resonated with me and at that moment, I finally found my purpose. However, it is not what you think it is, that everything is history. I know in my heart that photography is my passion, but there are those times that I am scared and hesitant to dive in to this path. Due to it is expensive to start this kind of hobby.

There are still a lot of uncertainties, but I am having fun and this time my heart is fulfilled. Thus, this was the start of my photography journey.


This is the first picture that I took using my very own camera.

Even though I already know my passion and purpose in this life, sometimes there are still questions and doubts if I am really aligned with my true self.

But other than that, I am happy and at peace at what I currently do. Right now, aside from doing landscape photography, I also accept different kind of events such as wedding, birthdays & etc.

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Here's the first landscape photo in my photography career.


Why Am I here?

Now we know that there are a lot of photographers in this world who maybe is better that me at this craft. But I think its really not about who is better or what, I just want to remind anyone or at least someone, that the world is beautiful place and that you too, can achieve your dream.

I will be posting more photography content and I hope that through this way, you can learn and be inspired to start your own journey.

I will end this with a famous quote.

Human potential is nearly limitless but having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it. - Tom Bilyue

Thank you @patsitivity for introducing me to hive community. _