🌻 My Favourite Things 🌻 Vol III 🌻 French Balustrading 🌻

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Welcome to the third edition of #myfavouritethings. Last week I told you guys about a beautiful neoclassical chandelier that I have in my shop, and I was glad to hear how much you guys liked it. This week I will be showing you THE most stunning antique set of French balustrades.

We bought two pairs of these balustrades, which can also be used as Juliet balconies. They were purchased at a market in Paris, and we were told that they date back to the early 1800's.

🌻 Pair One 🌻:


🌻 Pair Two 🌻:

950 x 1800 - R28500 (5).jpg

I can also prove the age of the panels, as they have lead closures. Those are the little round balls you can see in the below pic. What this means is that these panels were put together by a blacksmith in his forge. The panels were then nailed together, and a round ball shaped casting would be placed around the nailed-together pieces. The cast would then be filled with lead, and this would set into the solid round balls you see below. This really does show the age of these panels.

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Pair One have some stunning flower details that I just love, and have some of the original verdigris green paint still.


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Both pairs have a Gothic Revival feel to them, and pair one have a slight Art Nouveau influence. Pair two are more neoclassical style, with their rosettes, and arrow shaped meaning that they could date back to the late 1700's. The circular details scream neoclassicism.

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I've seen some pretty amazing buildings utilizing these balustrades as juliet balconies. I'll keep you guys posted when I sell them, and let you know where they are installed, but in the meantime, check out these beauties I found on Pinterest. These buildings are all based in Paris.



Stunning, right?!


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