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Mydailypost Challengue | Sepiatone light.

¡Buenas tardes!

Para el Challenge diario de la querida @sol25 quiero dejar esta fotografia.
Despues de varias hora sin luz en la ciudad, sigo aqui en mis labores. Al llegar a luz me encanto como se vieron las lámparas al prender con un efecto domino increible.
Como no pude capturar precisamente ese momento, me quede mirando y tambien me agrado muchisimo el reflejo de las lamparas en todo el pasillo del Mall y lo capture para el dia de hoy mostrarselo a ustedes en un tono sepia que haga resaltar las luces.

For the daily Challenge of the dear @ sol25 I want to leave this picture.

After several hours without light in the city, I'm still here in my work. When I reached the light I loved how the lamps were seen to light with an incredible domino effect.
As I could not capture precisely that moment, I stared and I also liked very much the reflection of the lamps throughout the Mall aisle and I captured it today to show you in a sepia tone that highlights the lights.

Mydailypost Themes
Lunes/Monday: Sky
Martes/Tuesday: Monocolor
Miercoles/Wednesday: Macroshot
Jueves/Thursday: Naturelive
Viernes/Friday: Selectivecolor
Sabado/Saturday : Sepiatone
Domingo/Sunday: Mydailypost (Free topic)
By @leyargoz and @sol25
Special thanks to @saffisara for contributing to this challenge

CameraSamsung phone