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My Daily Post - Sunday of sunset [ES]

Hermoso atardecer viajero - Beautiful traveler sunset

Hello my dear steemians, for my daily post I have decided to present this beautiful sunset that I was able to capture when I was traveling to my house, I love the sunsets and I must tell you that of all those that I have registered this is one of the most liked me.
Hola mis queridos steemians, para el desafio diario de hoy domingo he decido presentar este hermoso atardecer que pude capturar cuando viajaba hacia mi casa, me encantan los atardeceres y debo decirle que de todos los que tengo registrados este es uno de los que mas me ha gustado.

Esta fotografía es mi autoría tomada con mi cámara Canon PowerShot SX500 IS
This photograph is my authorship taken with my Canon PowerShot SX500 IS camera

Concursos patrocinado por By @leyargoz and @sol25

Participa usando el #Mydailypost / Participate using #Mydailypost

Suggested Themes |Temas Sugeridos

Lunes/Monday: Sky
Martes/Tuesday: Monocolor
Miércoles/Wednesday: Macroshot
Jueves/Thursday: Naturelive
Viernes/Friday: Selectivecolor
Sábado/Saturday: Sepiatone
Domingo/Sunday: Free topic

Como Participar - How to participate