Scofflaws ~ Independence Day on the Central Coast

It was Independence Day weekend in California, and the emperor had ordered beaches closed. Fireworks shows were also canceled. So, what to do...what to do? Head to the beach!


We started out cruising the Ventura beaches, but parking was closed to all but residents, and sheriffs were stationed at all the usual entrances to the sand. We drove up the coast and encountered the same. Cones and barriers blocked the parking areas all along the Coast Highway, with sheriffs parked or cruising. There were camping areas with RV's parked along road, and even a few surfers in the water, but nowhere for us to park.


We ended up in Carpenteria, where we parked in the residential area and walked past "Beach Closed" signs to enjoy a nice stroll on the beach. There were quite a few others walking along the shore, but not too many defying the order against sitting on the beach. We did find a camping area where many kids were playing in the sand and life seemed normal. They had a bathroom that was open too! A life-saving find on a long walk.


After a really nice lunch at Rincon Brewery (a double-coffee oatmeal stout on nitro to wash down a Cuban sandwich) we headed home to barbecue some burgers and enjoy all the illegal fireworks shows. Standing in our park, we could see fireworks in four directions. They kept on pretty late, and I'm sure some pets and kids were frightened, but I have to admit that I really enjoyed them.



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