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My 2018-This Is My Hobby: Observing Human Emotions.

When people ask what’s my hobby is; I have tough time explaining it to them. That is because the hobby is not about doing. It is more about observing. What I love doing on my free time is observing patterns especially human emotions and mostly, I do it through movies and dramas.

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It is easy through movies and dramas because I could repeat the clips again and again. For example; I repeat the entire scene of A Lovely Night countless times. My enjoyment is when I get to feel the connection between Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. Their chemistry, emotions and communicate through dancing caught my attention. The way they lifted their hands and feet, the way they synchronized their interests towards each other, the way Emma Stone’s yellow dress freely moved as her body moves, the way Ryan Gosling necktie moves along with his body and many more tiny details that I observed.

What I’m describing above is a stage emotion. As much as stage emotions are synthetics and man made for the pleasure of cinematic experience, they can be the best way to understand patterns in human emotions.

When Did It Begins?

I probably lived with this interest my entire life without me knowing it. It comes natural in me. The moment I’m with people, I have an unconscious interest to observe the patterns in their emotions. In real life, I observe the same on others but with subtle attention.

For example; when people speak, I would watch their lips. The movement of human lips with the sounds that flow through their vocal chords makes me wonder how much human created life in this world through the sound they speak.

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Nevertheless, observing real people is more interesting than the acting in movies and dramas. Their genuine emotions that flow through their movements, languages, face expressions are more in the moment, unhide and authentic. That is also a reason why I find a reality show is not really a reality show. I rather watch movies or series; knowing that they are just act.

Do You Know What’s the Perk About This Hobby?

What I love about this hobby is it gives me information of what changes in human emotions on collective level. My interest and passion are in patterns. Although human emotions are mostly abstract, but we express it through patterns. Our eyes speak the same ways as others. Our hands express our emotions the same ways too.

Once, I saw how a person eyes were locked into another person eyes and their emotions begin to tangle around each other. All these tiny details give me a perspective about human emotions. And why having this perspective is important? Human emotions are the newest higher intelligence we have. It goes beyond mental intelligence. Patterns give me information of how this intelligence works.

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It has also shown me how gracefully our unconditional love flow within us through this emotional intelligence.

The common question people asked, if I had proper education for a dorky hobby like this. They also asked if I am a psychologist. To that, I’m not. The ability to see patterns comes naturally in me. I guess if I had certifications, I probably become a psychologist now. However, I do practised this naturally when I coach others on transforming their emotions into higher energy. So, this hobby of mine does brings me some decent income.



(Coaching people is the source of my income.)

The Most Beautiful Things I Learned from Observing Human Emotions.

All human is the same when it comes to emotions. We are predictable creatures, emotionally. When we love, we do certain things to express the tension. When we hate, we do the same with different objects. And I also enjoy observing the bigger picture. For example; when #MeToo movement begin to universalise, the rising of courage had spike up. On the collective level, courage gives human a stronger body. The movement alone set the emotional intelligence to build a concrete foundation based on courage. Out of nowhere, we get all kinds of courageous stories, movies and dramas.

The Dark Side of This Hobby.

Now, there were moments where I experience darker side of human emotions. All those jealousy, guilt, shame and hatred brings human down to the rabbit hole and it weakens the body. Whenever I face emotions like this, I do feel its effect on my physical body. It usually requires an ability to stay presence and be compassionate towards these emotions, so it doesn't affect me too deeply. But when it does, it usually drains me. The outcome to this is I get to learn to understand these emotions more.

There is also the light side to this. What I love about this hobby is it teaches me to be compassionate towards others. Whenever I observe and feels other people’s emotion, I learned to be empathy and not judging them. This takes away my stress when I get to surf on people’s emotional ocean.

Before This Turn into Hobby?

Human emotions were nightmare to me. Before I know how to use this gift and make it as a passionate hobby, I used to drown in human emotions. My life was full of mood swings. It didn't feel like a gift or hobby but more like a curse. But that was a long time ago.

This is what I learned from exploring such a beautiful hobby; that our mind and its awareness are powerful gift. That’s why I love to watch movies and selected drama series if I’m not with real people. What I’m doing is training my mind to be aware of the emotional expression and see the patterns in all angle. It doesn't matter whether it is staged or real because human emotions are generally the same in all expression.

Well, this is how I spent most of my time; I observe human emotions and its pattern. Sometimes I take their pictures and expression. Too bad I’m not a professional portrait photographer. Most of my time are spent in observing and not framing the moments.

If I didn't do it through the movies or series, I will do it with real people and only tell them what they need to know if they ask me to do so. It also serves as a motivation for me to understand human strength through emotional intelligence. Besides human emotions, I also observe patterns in the nature; like the sky, clouds, birds and many more. It’s like a secondary hobby. My primary interest is still about human being. And that’s my hobby; probably the dorkiest ones.

Thank you @anomadsoul for this great contest. Here's the link to the contest.

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Thank you for reading, I hope this can shed some lights on your journey!
Blessing to you all.

Comment and share your thoughts with me if you like.