A bit about my self

Greetings from the newbie to the hive family

In this introductory post, I'll be sharing a glimpse into my life, interests, and experiences. The discovery of a platform like Hive, where I can freely express myself through writing, has been truly enlightening.

My name is Chhavi Saxena, and I am happily married and the mother of a cute little boy. As a homemaker residing in Kanpur, India, I find joy in my family life. My favorite thing about being a homemaker is the sense of accomplishment I get when I complete a task. Whether it’s making sure my family has clean clothes to wear, preparing meals for them, or simply tidying up the house, there’s nothing quite like knowing that I have taken care of something important. It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction and pride.I enjoy watching movies and listening to music in my free time.


The reason I joined Hive is a heartfelt gratitude to @Sanjeev021 for introducing me to this platform. It has allowed me to share my thoughts openly and develop my writing skills. Through my journey, I hope to inspire others and showcase the beauty of personal stories. Surrounding oneself with inspiring individuals like @Sanjeev021 has led me to explore new interests and embrace the outdoors.

I expect this platform to be a place where we can freely share our thoughts, passions, and interests in life and where we are encouraged to ask and to answer.I can expand my network, step beyond my comfort zone, and work smarter, not harder. I firmly believe that Hive empowers us to achieve this. This community, I believe, will nurture my growth and help me evolve into a better version of myself. The Hives community is one where taking risks is worth it. Together, let's embark on this journey of growth and self-discovery

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