It was a terrible night where I had an horrific dream about my mother.images (32).jpgsource
Well I did not take that seriously until it slammed to my face.
Actually, I thought dreams where untrue, I thought it was one of those my dreams that never came true.
I woke up that morning after that horrific dream, all of a sudden I began to hear cries in my parlour. I walked slowly to the sitting room due to the freight that engrossed me.
I got there and saw my mother helplessly crying on the floor, I became so scared, I did not want to hear any sort of bad news. I asked her what the problem was and she told me her youngest brother is dead, that is my uncle. I did not really get to meet him though, but felt pity for my mother, I couldn't cry all that much because he was a distance uncle.

Next thing, my mother's said she was going to travel to the village. I did not understand at first until I saw a reflection of dream coming true.
I did not try persuading her not to travel because I felt God will absolutely take control, this made me to understand the meaning of instructions and mercy.

My mother was devastated and sad traveling, I definitely had a bad mind towards the journey, I gave her my word, I said "mom don't travel", she left my hands with tears, I ran quickly to my room to pray, telling God to show mercy so that she can reach her destination safely.

It was 4;30pm, the children tutor came over to teach us in preparation of our forth coming exams. My dad suddenly arrived at an unusual time which was quite early, he told us to get the things at the boot of the car, we hurriedly ran to the car leaving our tutor. Jeez! All I saw in the boot was my mum's luggage, her clothes and bags. I became terrified, I wondered whether my dream had become reality.

We were all inquisitive to know what our father would say, but he said nothing with his eyes becoming red.
He called me to the kitchen to make a hot tea in the flask and put the slice bread in a bag, that he wants to drop it for someone in the hospital, I grew even more scared.
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Suddenly, my dad broke down and cried bitterly that mom just had an accident at Ogun state(ijebu-ode). I could remember his statement, he said"she can't walk again".
I fell down to the floor and cried out bitterly, all I could imagine was my mom on a wheel chair.
I went to the hospital and saw my mom two legs covered with P. O. P, I ran towards her and apologized.

With a very weak voice, she asked me why I was apologizing, I told her that I knew about her accident. I saw it in my dream but everything happened all of a sudden. I cried and she forgave me.
My regrets is that I did not tell my family about the dream before the travelling. Believe in dreams but not all of them.
She started using clutches to hold herself a little bit firm before gradually walking after series of training. She had a lot of fleshy cuts that was treated everyday.

In a nut shell, I felt terribly bad that i was not able to tell them. That was my regret and I promised myself, that I won't take things for granted.
Glory be to God it's all in the past now, 2009 was terrible. We overcame and conquered.

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