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MVG Network Token - VIP Holder Verification Guide for MVG ITO v2.7 Early-Access

Paging all MVG Network VIP Token Holders!

In less than 24 hours, we are giving you exclusive access to MVG ITO 2.7, the Interim ITO using the final functionality & solidified marketing strategy from V1 & V2, which includes exciting new tweaks and modifications.

Token holders who have verified their position in the top 120 holders ( are considered a MVG Network VIP. Holders must sign a message from their own wallet to prove & maintain their standing in this rank in order to receive an invitation to the private MVG Network VIP Holder Telegram Group.

Below are the required steps to verify your standing within the top 120 holders:

Step 1: Access the Ethereum Wallet in which you have stored your MVG Network Tokens:
Step 1.png

Step 2: Follow the prompts to decrypt & access your wallet.
Step 2.png
Reminder: If you are using your MVG Keystore file, your encrypted password is your original account password.

Step 3: Fill, Sign & Confirm the following message to associate your telegram with your address:
"MVG VIP Holder Telegram Group Request - Telegram Handle 'yourhandle'"
Replace 'yourhandle' with the telegram handle you wish to permit access to the VIP Holder group.
Step 3.png

Step 4: Confirm that the message is correct to proceed:

Step 5: Copy the signature/signed message provided:
Step 5.png

Step 6: Provide the signed message to MVGKelly on Telegram and she will be promptly in touch to grant access if you meet the early-access requirements:
Step 6.png

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