You Might Be Muslim If...

If you truly believe in God and keep his commandments, chances are you are more similar to Muslims than you are different

The word Muslim means “one who submits in peace (to God)”
Do you fall in that classification?

The basic beliefs of Muslims (Islam) fall into six main categories, which are known as the "Articles of Faith":
-Faith in the unity of God
-Faith in angels
-Faith in prophets
-Faith in books of revelation
-Faith in an afterlife
-Faith in destiny/divine decree
If you relate to the articles mentioned above, then you are a believer in Islam.

As a Christian, are you still unsure of Islam?

Did you know “Allah” means “The God”?
Did you know Yeshua (Jesus) is mentioned by name in the Qur’an more than the Prophet Muhammad?
Did you know that the Muslims believe Christ will return to earth in the end times to restore peace and justice?
Did you know the Virgin Mary is more prevalent in the Qur’an than the New Testament, including an entire chapter dedicated to her?
Did you know the Qur’an commands Muslims to read the Gospels and the Torah?

For those quick to point fingers and say this or that about Islam, know that I am not saying it’s perfect

Yes, under RayEl, the Returned Christ’s rule even Islam will receive some corrections

In the New Kingdom, there will only be a single and united worship of God, but it will be with the things each faith has correct, and without the things each one got wrong

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