For Inner Peace. Minimalist Piece No. 12.

I was writing to the one who could wake me up in the middle of the night (should I happen to be sleeping, which would be a thing in and of itself to catch me at) and who could ask me to drive him to the end of the world (for whatever mundane reason) and I would already be starting up the engine of the Blue Dakini in my PJs and slippers; writing to say nothing much at all, nothing new or unknown;

I am starting to see the manoeuvres possible on Earth are a singe compared to what can be done (by us mortals) in the Higher Worlds, where we are still but royal guests to royal households or modest priests seeking a papal audience.
What a godforsaken waste!! We humans (apes you say, not wishing to offend monkeys, the pals of rabbits, rats, dogs, roosters and dragons, and the other six) - we really have got the wrong end of the stick about life!

The Point of Being

It is not about achieving anything on the Earth plane: let fly ambition to where it most freely trails its kite tail - and love its acrobatics and laugh at its crash landings; use competition sparingly to gauge the scope of the schoolyard; remain ever more eager, though, to play with the playthings on a the largest of all possible school grounds: our beaches, seas, forests, mountains, clouds and galaxies.

Snuggle down in this bed of ours, the Mensch-World, draw its duvet cover of flora, fauna, human endeavour over your head and breathe your spirit in deeply. Take this air into your lungs and let it become the Mood of Love.
Make this your school and training field; claim this bed for a playground in which to make love, all in love, and nothing but love.

Peace out.

For meditative purposes,

- Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

A mantra by Deva Premal

- Or something a bit more robust and Tibetan:

Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir

- Or a Mindfulness session, for those who understand (as the accompanying text states: )

The change we wish to see in the world is within our own hearts.

If you like bells and Thich Nath Hanh and want to work on World Peace:
The Great Bell Chant

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