so firstly, i am not a big Bob Seger fan. that being said, he has some good music, an awesome talent as a storyteller and an awful lot of soul. he had a big hit called NIGHT MOVES around 1975. i was kid of 10 years old then with an a.m. radio tuned to WLS in chicago hidden under my pillow. STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN by THE MIGHTY LED ZEPPELIN used to scare the crap outta me. thats a different story. night moves has always been one of the songs i liked by seger. there is a part at the end where he breaks it down and talks about being awoken by a thunderstorm and starts humming a song from 1962. that ending has always touched me in a certain way. and then he just speaks ,"...with autumn closing in". i have often thought that maybe that line just didnt fit quite right there. i just didnt understand the melancholy that came across with it in the song? but today, on a blustery day with autumn closing in, at the age of 52 years old i turned a page and heard the song differently for the first time in my life. probably the way mr. Seger intended it. probably the way he felt it. this line had nothing to do with the weather outside or the time of year. it had to do with the time of YEARS! and it took 52 years of a life to figure this out. this song will be on short rotation for awhile. thx Bob.

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