A New Hope for our Future from the Relics of our Past

Happy Sunday Troublemakers,

In just two short weeks we will be releasing the first animated episode of our Cosmic Journey story album - A New Hope.

In order to build some excitement across our public social media channels, we will be sharing some of the concept art from the story to build a bit of “heat” for the release.

A major theme of the story is a kind of juxtaposition between history and future, with an ancient relic having been found that references a future for humankind well beyond the confines of our own galaxy.


This is inspired by the ancient relics of Mesopotamia, particularly those referencing the Anunnaki – a group of demi-gods said to have come from another world who taught the ancient civilizations how to speak, build and shared technology. The knowledge of the cosmos that was possessed by our ancestors was remarkable, understanding the makeup of our solar system and basic principles about procession and the rate of spin and revolutions of the planet around the sun. This knowledge would be lost for thousands of years, with a kind of regression in human scientific and metaphysical understanding occurring following the collapse of the Bronze Age. The legends of the Anunnaki within Mesopotamian cultures are truly fascinating, and have been the subject of many conspiracy theories surrounding ancient Aliens.

While there is no credible evidence that the Anunnaki were somehow visitors from another planet, it is a very fun thought to entertain if you can get past the absurdity of it all. What we can deduce for certain is that our cosmic understanding is not linear, there is a likelihood that human civilization has a collective amnesia about our past. Drawing from the writings of John Anthony West, Graham Hancock and Robert Schoch, we have often allowed our minds to imagine what has truly been forgotten and to what extent our Ancient ancestors might have been connected and advanced far beyond what we previously imagined. We have long lived under the assumption of a linear progression of knowledge and culture here on Earth, but as our technological advances allow us to make more precise observations, the more evidence appears to exist that our current understanding of our Ancient History is incredibly flawed.

As our technology advances at an exponential rate, we often forget to look back into our history for answers about our future.

Perhaps the answers to many of our philosophical and metaphysical questions are buried beneath our feet, and we need only to dedicate more time toward understanding our past so that we might learn from mistakes and build a better future.concept2.jpg

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