How To Instantly Piss Off a Christian!

Back in highschool, I used to listen to this band called Lucifer. The album was called Watching The Christians Burn. It was composed by Jeff Darkness who played all the instruments and conceptualized the album. One day I posted the song called Watching The Christians Burn on Facebook after I rediscovered it a decade later and one of my Facebook friends got super offended and started publicly trying to shame me by saying don't I realize how offensive this is and that I have no respect.

So I said to him, I said, "It's your Hell. Your burn in it. How am I the one being offensive? I don't understand that. I love that song. I love the riffs, the vocal patterns, the percussion, the arrangement and the whole feeling. I love it. I mean, when you commit sins, you burn in Hell, and Lucifer watches you Burn so how am I being offensive. It's your religion. I mean, if God exists in everything, and he is closer to you than your jugular vein, then isn't god also in Lucifer? Isn't Lucifer also made in his image? So ... the idea of the image of God offends you? I don't follow.

See, this is why religions are absolutely asinine. They make no sense. IMHO, religions enfeeble the mind. If you want to be offended, take offense from your own religion. Your religion is the one that is putting such terrible ideas in your head. Why do you take your anger out on me? I just like metal. I didn't even do anything? I was just here. I just exist. And I like metal. And I just shared it. "

The little magnetic button on my fridge: "IT'S YOUR HELL, YOU BURN IN IT!" basically sums it up.

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