God Song Remix Challenge

It has been so long since I remixed a song or did a video, that this has been a relearning experience for me. The fun level and confusion level are about even in this case. But I am happy to say it only took me two days to get it together.

Thanks to @snook for helping me figure out my wondershare program.

This song was started by @tygertyger and was collaborated with @olysounds and @enginewitty. They did such a great job and I am proud to be able to share my remix with you all!

The contest is to take all the parts and remix it to create a new version of the song. You are able to add your own beats and vocals, but since I am relearning everything which includes many different programs, I did not opt to add anything.

All I did was rearrange the parts to create a new song.

If you would like to participate in the contest, here is the link: The GOD Song remix challenge win 15 audio (about US 37$)


Because it has been so long since I made a video, my program registration has expired and there is a watermark on the video. I didn't want that fact to stop me from posting the video for you to see.

I hope that soon I will continue to make more videos and be able to purchase the full version that will not have the watermark.

I hope you enjoy the video and appreciate all the work I have put into it!!!!!




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