Does "Genre classification" help or hurt music

Due to the increase in music variations, genre spreading and mixing, I'd like to have a serious discussion with you guys: "Do we still need genres nowadays?"

Putting things in boxes and classifying is very human... and music is an ever changing art, which means it's not only subjective, it also goes through limits: You can ask me to make a Trap beat, and I decide to use a Jazz sample, and make the beat slower than usual Trap... Is it still Trap? (i.e.

A better example of the decline of those boxes would be a song I made with my friend James Storm that turned out quite atypical

The beat came out quite influenced by genres such as Hip-Hop or even EDM, with a chilled but up-beat vibe.
On the vocal side of things, I was hoping to get some Rap, but James just fit perfectly, singing over the track, turning the entire vibe into a more Popular, RnB-ish track....

I'm looking for some useful feedback | Criticism | Opinions even, on the genre you'd put the track in.

Of course, the discussion is still live: What do you think about Genres, and music classification... does it do more good (like helping us differentiate between songs) or does it hurt more than anything (war between Hip-Hop and Trap, miss "genre-ification"?)

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