Three Tune Tuesday

Well, here we are again. Starting my blogging endeavours, and I promised you I'd be back on the real day of Three tune tuesday.

So we'll get right into the meat of it all and I will start. Today we're going to switch it up a little and go with a different era.

So we're starting off with the late 90's / early 00's - these were the years I was in my prime, and out dancing in discos and having fun. I can remember some guy telling me that, "It's all downhill from here" and I just thought he was being a boring old man, but he was totally right.

Wish he wasn't.

Butterfly - Crazy Town

Ah, man, this song is a total beast. I remember kissing loads of girls to the song back in the day. My biggest memory from this tune would be when I worked in the burger bar at the local restaurant. There was a bar they'd open up during the heat of summer and flip burgers. I used to serve the customers, sometimes hundreds an afternoon. It was stressful, but we had lots and lots of fun.

I remember one guy took the day off work so he could stay in and play his new game that was launching, so we raffled up a date with him, and we picked the most horrible woman we could find.

Ah man. Those were the times.

That being said this was a tune that played a lot from this bar and it really remembers me of those times.

Dr Dre. The Next Episode.

Ah, who doesn't love a bit of ol' Dr Dre and Snoop Dog.

If I can say anything this tune is the one that hits hard over that era. We used to do a pub crawl, and we would end up at the Black Horse every Friday night, and almost every time we entered this pub, no matter the time of evening this song would always be playing.

Out of all the songs I've listened to of the rap genre, this is probably the easiest to dance to, and the easiest to pretend you're "Gangsta" on the dancefloor, which I sort of found out that I like doing haha.

Anyway, this was the best song of that era, by far. Such good tunage.

Starlight - The Supermen Lovers

If this song comes on, regardless where I am, train, bus, bar, someone's house -- anywhere. I am getting up and dancing. This is literally my favourite song in the world, all time, which is strange, because it's not a song that I'd typically like.

But it came at a time when my life was split in two. From working very long hours, getting almost zero sleep, and going out and partying with the very little time I had left with it all. It's mostly a song that brings back so many happy, yet sad, and some horrific memories. It summarizes my early 20's wholly. Not with the words, but the music, the feeling it gives.


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