Call me Maestro!

So there I was swinging my baton at nothing in particular, like us musical geniuses do. Just thinking about what to post today. Then it struck me I have never tried actually making music, which explained the silence apart from some heavy breathing. It was clear I was a Maestro without an orchestra.

So I decided to find one, and my baton will rise again to a symphony of sound. Moans of pleasure will be heard as I swing my baton to create something wondrous.

It turns out that like most things in life I found my orchestra online. The best part is it does not include people which needless to say is a win. There really are very few things that require people which is a good thing. Now the breeders just need to catch on because apparently they did not get the note.


I chose to go with LMMS Studio which is a Digital Audio Workstation. Why? Because it is free, I did not do much research beyond that. Don't you understand the yearning of my musical genius to be released?

Anyway, I watched a 15 min vid about it and got started.

Say what?

Now I think somewhere between downloading LMMS and playing the first bit I made after clicking some buttons I must have developed a very aggressive ear infection. This is a very specific and rare type also. It caused me to not be able to create anything that sounded like music but instead very odd sounds that seemingly think they are music.

However, I persevered and added more of them in a pattern and decided that my style is experimental. That means that if you do not like my song that you are a sheep of modern pop consumerism culture.

Once my experimental symphony was complete - as in I got sick of the shit - I proceeded to find a visualizer and upload one of those fancy youtube music videos. The only good one I found was Song Render, as in it was the only one that actually worked. I tried others but they hide shit like you are only allowed 1 minute, another kept "not" uploading as in it uploaded some but then just said fuck it.

Ah the sweet release, I present to you:

Jungle March

All I hoard: Hive | Whaleshares | Uptrennd | Steem

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