Steemit funded Mobile Studio, Phase 1.

studio b4.jpgOk, So I'm putting this out there. I was nervous about it, and asked in a previous post if you thought I should share my idea, or keep it under my hat. The Response was generally, that the longer i hold it to my chest, the longer it will go unrealized... So here it is:

I want to create a Steemit funded Mobile Studio

Here is how it all started; I have been an engineer most of my life, although I've never had the Skrilla to set up a posh high end studio. I've always had to rent or borrow other's spaces for projects... I had resigned myself to the fact that that would always be the case as long as I lived here in the mid-west (too many competitors, not enough market share to support me, and we already have some super respected well established legacy studios like Lou Whitney's studio, and Nick Sibley Music, and Jeff Smith at Studio 2100.)

So here I am,

destined to always be a hired gun, and never run my own shop... that is until I saw a video. One that arguably changed my life. Its a simple thing, but if it does not give you goosebumps, you're probably a bot. And it spawned a revolution in my thinking...

This video gave me chills. I watched it over and over again. I found the orginal version of the song, and listened to it, but it did not have anything close to the same effect, here it is for reference.


What was it about that first video that made it so moving?

Of course, its the ambiance. Its the environment, and obviously the beautiful wolves... But its way more than the wolves, gorgeous as their addition is. Its the snow. Snow does a strange thing to sound. If you've ever been out in snowy weather, you might have noticed this. It dampens harsh highs, and absorbs pretty much all verb. It creates a whole new acoustical landscape to explore. As an engineer, this got me all a flutter thinking about. And the thought that kept screaming in my head the loudest was...

I've got to bottle that!

And thus, my idea was born.

Create a mobile studio that I can simply pull into any interesting environment and go to work. There is a novelty there that is undeniable. There is also a really practical aspect to this idea...
studio b6.jpg


Thats Right! Once this thing is up and running, my only expenses will be gas to haul it, and gas to run the gennies. Both costs I will be able to pass onto clients, and still give them a great deal.

I will pitch to production companies as a novel way to record their talent at a fraction of the cost of a high end environment. The talent will dig it, because they get break away from traditional environments, and maybe invigorate their creative processes, and the labels will love it, because they get off without having to pay some studios rent... Win/Win!

So all that has developed in my head over the past couple years. Great, and exciting and all, but still pretty much unobtainable for a broke cat like me, with kiddies to raise... that is, until I joined steemit!


it looks a whole lot more possible. Even probable! And more exciting, because this thing wont just be a commercial enterprise anymore, it will become a community enterprise! I can use it to come to all of you awesome steemit musicians, and record your asses! Get you a great recording, and get me a great topic for a steemit studios blog! Gets us both more steem and visibilty in the process! WIN/WIN/WIN/WIN!

The Plan:

I will put approx. half my earnings from all my authorship rewards into savings (I'm already up to 18.5 Steem in there!) And 100% of my earnings from any post directly related to this venture in there.
studio b8.jpg

I've looked all over, and found several junked out old trailers I could get for less than a thousand. So thats...

  • phase 1. Get a trailer and gut it. Financial Goal is $3K
  • phase 2. Run all my cabling, build the infrastructure, and fill the walls with roxull sound deadening insulation. Financial Goal on that is also roughly $3K
  • phase 3. Install core components: PC, Studio Console, Microphones, Studio Monitors ETC... Financial goal on that... a little steeper, but remember, I'm a system designer by day, so I get deals... lets call it $4K
  • phase 4. Finishing. Painting, Finishes, Registration, regulatory compliance.. all that. I'd say likely another $4K.

So I think with 10-15K I could get this all done. And I'm going to blog my ass off to make it so.

This is my ticket out of obscurity, and into the woods with a badass recording rig. Sureley you've been to some campouts withmusical buddies, and witnessed the magic that happens around the campfire once the booze and blunts get everybody loosey goosey... suddenly those musicians turn into magicians. Captivating everyone with their musical sorcery... Now Imagine I was there to run a coupe mics and record that. Thats the plan. I hope you'll come with me to the woods.

All renderings done by me in Sketchup

Bona Fides
-I have been a professional live and studio engineer for fifteen years in the southern Missouri area.

-I was a production manager for Music City Center in Branson, where I singlehandedly ran sound, lights, video and lasers for the Trans Siberian Experience on a system a designed and implemented.

-I was Stage Manager for Scott Shipley Music (one of Johnny Cash's guitarist) and ran over a hundred dates.

-I Ran the Pro Audio Dept at G.C. for eight years, selling and servicing systems of all sizes
-I am currently the Resident Engineer at The Old Glass Place in Springfield MO., And the on call engineer at Lindbergs Tavern in Springfield

-I am also currently the lead system designer for an AVL systems integrator here in Springfield.

-finally, I'm a father of four... So I know how to deal with noise...

I'm not usually a vote beggar, but PLEASE
UPVOTE, RESTEEM, and FOLLOW. I have got to make this happen. I WILL MAKE THIS HAPPEN!


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