Original Metal Song: Rich Girl, With Fingerpicking

Another bad recording. I do not and never knew how to record. All of my recordings are basically a way to get my ideas down. The drums are particularly bad and the mix is not good. But, I think the song has merit. The song has a clean finger-picked part which is fast which I really like. I think it fills out the mix nicely.

I have been having major troubles uploading to Dsound, and now cannot upload at all. If I can get it working, I will switch this to Dsound, but for now, I made a video with no images on Vimeo:

As far as recording goes, I hope to get into it someday. My first questions would be:

Cheap vocal mic that sounds good (SM58?)
Cheap drum creation software that sounds good with default samples?

If I could nail these things down, maybe I could ease into recording. Until then, my recordings are basically just a recorded notebook of myself.

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