New music classes and planning my days again^new approach

Hi, guys!

Now a new week has begun, and the first thing that I realized, looking at the previous one, is that I did not approach planning too correctly, at the very first stage.

I wrote down only what I need to do, but not a word about what is being done in fact. Okay, I crossed out some items from the to-do list, but I didn't time the time it took to complete, so the system immediately crashed. We usually think that we can cram anything into our day, but this, of course, is not so.

If you remember earlier, I told you that I prefer to work according to the Yana Frank 45/15 system. It is very comfortable and helps to do a lot of things in a day, but at the same time not get tired like a horse.

The system is that you divide your day into time intervals of 45 and 15 minutes. At 45 minutes, you write down big and important things, for example, your work. And at 15 small things. Ideally, if you have a sedentary job, you need to write down the tasks that require you to get up in 15 minutes, and it is desirable to switch completely. That is, if you are, for example, an artist, and you work while sitting, sitting for the next 15 minutes on Facebook is a very bad option, so you will still get tired. You just need to get up and switch radically, for example, go to cook food.

What I did not take into account is that during the day there are a lot of small moments that somehow require our attention. Wash your dog's paws after walking. Change clothes, have breakfast and so on.


I also looked at the screen time in the applications on my mobile phone and was horrified by the animal. How do I get three hours of screen time? No wonder I am not doing anything! So this is the first thing that I took control of from today. I will cross out YouTube, because I only turn on background music for work in it, and in general I would like to reduce the screen time to one hour.

So today I started my day by actually writing down everything I do, down to the smallest detail. I have another friend who wants to correctly build her time, but so far I absolutely cannot explain to her what actions need to be taken for this, so I will show by my example why not.

So far, I'm going according to plan, but let's see how it all looks by the evening. I still need to cook food, play music, and most importantly, work. Drawing is my main job, and lately I have been spending insultingly little time on it.

Speaking of music, by the way. I agreed with my flute teacher that she would also teach me how to play the piano. I have some experience in this regard, as a child I studied at a music school, but now, of course, I have forgotten a lot. My limit for reading notes and playing right now looks like this at best:


And also look at what funny jars of tea I bought yesterday! I literally had a fit of nostalgia. As a child, I adored this Disney cartoon, and now I will also be happy to watch it. By the way, there was disgusting tea inside, but I bought them not because of the tea :)


See you in the next post!
Love, Inber

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