'Quadimension' - New Original Music - Playing Around w/ Yesterday's Idea - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough

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I played around with the song idea

Tracks 14 and 15
from yesterday a bit last night before going to bed, but honestly, aside from two of the changes, I think everything else is gonna get scrapped, and I'll try again. Firstly, I took the drum pattern audio and had Ableton extract a MIDI drum pattern from it, and deleted everything but the kicks, adding a few extra hits and moving some stuff around, so that the kicks would be a little bassy-er, and cut through a bit more. Overall, I'm good with this, though I may edit the actual kick sound used here. I also had the middle section drop out with filters on the Pharlight vocal synths and drums; I also like this, but think it's a little TOO filtered, so I'll play with the automation and see if I can't find a better setting. There are a few transition sounds in Tracks 10, 11 and 12, which are fine, but I think could be cooler, so those may or may not make the cut. Tracks 14 and 15 both play the plucky synth line pictured to the right here... I wanted something additional to differentiate some parts, but I don't think this is it, so that's gonna go. I also added a synth in Track 16, which plays the dyads pictured below, and uses an LFOTool sidechain preset. I don't hate this, but I'm not sure how well it works here. I think I need more time spent just listening to this, and trying to find ways to improve it more before the next update post.

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Track 16, Dyads w/ LFOTool Sidechain Pattern

Listen to Quadimension here...

Hope you dig it!

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