'Probabilism' - New Original Music - Playing w/ Some New Ableton Live 11 Probability Effects - Electronic/Ambient Instrumental

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So this song idea is only 4 tracks,

Track 1, Maj9 Chord Generator
at least thus far, but it sounds pretty great. I admit, some of these were just preset instruments included in Live 11, but I did spend some time tweaking those a bit. Tracks 1 and 2 are just chord swells, with Track 1 playing Maj9 chords, a D and then a G, and Track 2 playing Min11 chords, just on a B, which actually fits perfectly after the Maj9, just adding another bit of texture that swells in. Track 3 was recorded from another instrument, which used one of the many awesome probability effects in Live 11; while it sounds percussive, and sort of drum like at times, it's actually just playing arpeggiated notes super fast, which made for a really cool, pretty sound underneath most of the tune. Finally we have Track 4, which was a basic synth sound, but I went in and added both the 'Rotating Rhythm Generator' and the 'Bouncy Notes' effects, which I just let play for over three minutes, recording the results into Track 4. I also had automated some of the parameters of the original synth over time, so the LFO speed shifts a bit, and the cutoff and res move around to shift the timbre of the instrument. All in all, this turned out pretty cool! I'm happy with the result, so maybe I'll just try and make it sound nicer, instead of adding more layers and potentially losing this original vibe.

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Track 4's Probability Effects, Creating the Random Progression

Listen to Probabilism here...

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