Ghost Stories

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I feel like the album seemed like a letdown at the moment, but in hindsight, it's really good?
BTW, for the record, i rate Ghost Stories as not only the worst Coldplay album BY FAR but also just one of the worst, most boring album's i've ever listened to, period. think i scored it a 1/10 on my personal rating, somewhere in my posts
and i don't hate it because "coldplay being electronic reeee". but i find Electronic coldplay to be coldplay at it's finest.
But oh my god Ghost Stories, aside from A Sky Full of Stars, was such a goddamn BORE. I was in agony. Context: a lot of my coldplay opinions come from the fact that two years ago, i challenged myself to listen to every single coldplay album, from beginning to end
I was fine with Xyloto, and as i've made it clear, i love AHFOD, so it wasn't just fatigue speaking when i tell you Ghost Stories was AGONY for me to listen to
so goddamn boring. neverending soft instrumentals that got old after 10 seconds, 20 seconds worth of lyrics in a 4 minute song. i haaaaaaated it, with a passion
I found the note where i rated all the coldplay albums
Parachutes 4/10
X&Y 7/10
Viva la Vida ADOAHF 5.5/10
Mylo Xyloto 5.5/10
Ghost Stories 1/10
AHFOD 7.5/10
Everyday Life 5.5/10
hmm. maybe i'm tempted to bump AHFOD to a 8/10

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