Dream Theater - A Choose Your Own Adventure - musical tour

I am music freak. I'd like to try a new way of introducing a band. I'm going to follow in the lines of the old choose your own adventure style books and make this post kind of a musical game.

If you like this I may make other posts like this. By doing this it also is more than me simply sharing pieces by well known bands without adding my own content.

Dream Theater - Choose Your Own Adventure

Choice Number One

Do you prefer mellower music? If so go to [1]. If you like heavier music go to [2].


This song is called Hollow Years. It is from the album Falling Into Infinity. One of my sons liked to sing this a lot. Dream Theater studio albums are brilliant but they are a force of nature live. So most of what I will show you with them will be live performances...

Studio Version Below:

If this is the style you like and you'd like to hear more go to [3]. If you would like it a little heavier go to [4]. If you want mind melting intrumental technicality go to [5]. If you want it much harder go to [2].


This song is As I Am from the album Train of Thought and is live at the Budokan in Japan. Kind of has a bit of an old Black Sabbath feel to me. It is a heavier song. I remember the first time I heard this song the first intro slow part reminded me of Sabbath and then the tempo picked up. I heard this before I knew it was out and identified it as Dream Theater as soon as the tempo picked up.

Studio version below...

If this is way too hard for you then consider going to [1]. If you would like it slightly mellower than this go to [4]. If you want crazy instrumental action go to [5]. If you want more heavy sounds like this go to [6].


The Silent Man from the album Awake. This is a live version.

Studio Version:

If you want something slightly heavier go to [4]. If you want it significantly heavier go to [2]. If you want crazy instrumental action go to [5]. If you have already listened to [2] and you want something also heavy go to [6].


This song is Pull Me Under and is actually their only radio hit. It is from the album Images and Words and as with the others I am showing you a live version first.

Studio Version:

If this is not heavy enough for you go to [2] or [6]. If you want some crazy instrumental action go to [5]. If you want something mellower go to [1] unless you have already heard that one In which case, go to [3]. If you have heard all of these go to the exit song [7].


This is a live performance called Intrumedley and is an amazing live performance medley of instrumentals across multiple albums. This is a mind melter. Each time the album cover changes behind them on the stage that is them moving onto a different song on a different album.

Studio of version of The Dance of Eternity from the album Scenes from a Memory.

If you liked this and want to listen to more go to [1] or [3] if you want something mellow. If you want something heavy go to [2] or *[6]. If you want to go to the exit song go to [7].


This song is Nightmare To Remember from the album Black Clouds and Silver Linings.

Studio Version

If you would like to hear mellower songs [1] and [3] are mellow. If you would like to hear a crazy instrumental go to [5]. If you would like to hear a slightly mellower hit song go to [4]. If you would like to go to the exit song go to [7].


This is the song Strange Deja Vu, Through My Words & Fatal Tragedy from the album Scenes from a Memory.

Studio Version:


Thank you for taking a tour of one of the most technically skilled bands in the world. They are the pinnacle of Progressive Metal. I can tell you as a musician I am in awe of the skill of this band. I have watched them live several times and most of the time my mouth was hanging involuntarily open. This band may be a bit too technical (too many notes) for some people to enjoy. That is also partially why I approached it like a choose your own adventure. This is a band that musicians go to watch in awe.

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