lyrics - the gender debate

looking for songs that are

  • rap
  • NOT about thugging, or pimping, or being a hoe

lets go
(i myself like aesop rock, and lil dicky, for this reason )
the topic came up with tanner adell - buckle bunny
that we didnt like that male rappers were talking about ho,s and gold-digging
but now its 2024, and the hos are recording now
i often chuckle that the next gen of money is 16yo gamers, and 18+yo camgirls, having all the money
and an increase in gaming catheters

digging these at the moment.
the hearing 'each persons "the devil knocked" ( see also, my battle with substance abuse post) story is heartbreaking, yet wholesome.
when we were to do the msp-irl stuff, was to find homeless people that wanted their 'leg back up'
that, on glance, one might assume ... no, wait paraphrase . . .
trading places with eddie murphy
that the 2 billionaires can wage a dollar on the survival of man


anyways, digression.
hit me up in the comments with 'stuff to listen to' as i intend to 'hear every song ever made' ( within reason )

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