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DJing is a performance.... Moody Djs need not apply.

Too many times have I been to a club and seen a DJ look more miserable than the glass collectors. WHY? You have the power to shape the night, to create the vibe and to capture memories for many many clubbers.

There has always been the case for DJ's to be 'moody' for that cool, mysterious, aloof persona.. well, personally, I think this is completely crap and a poor show.

Djing, or any kind of music performance should be just that. It doesn't matter if you are spinning tunes in Brixton, or if you're Iron Maiden at the O2, YOUR job is to entertain, to transmit energy so that the person at the back of the venue feels like they're at the front. Showmanship and sending good vibes, excitement and passion that the music give you. We are all connected by the sound, and the DJ is the conductor. A 'flat' or 'moody' DJ will zap the energy of the room quicker than the lights being turned on at the end of the night. What many of these DJs don't realize is that in the crowd may be tens of budding DJs who would KILL for the opportunity Mr. Moody DJ is currently wasting.

SO PERFORM. get the energy out there! Get the crowd connected as one, and in this unity, together feel the excitement, the tingle of the music you play.

I grew up watching Fatboy Slim and in my books, there is no better ring leader or conductor in controlling the crowd to bring such a party experience. He connects with his audience to make them feel like they are ONE BIG PARTY MACHINE..

This is my one advice that I give beginner DJs, if you don't look like you're having fun, the crowd will pick up on that vibe and the room will be flat, body language is one of the biggest communicators we have as humans, and its something we do subconsciously. In a noisy room with music blasting out, where verbal communication is impossible, body language is all we have... and your body language should be... lets party. If you don't apply this rule, you WILL lose the crowd and you might as well go home and sulk in the corner of your bedroom, instead of sulking in the DJ booth in front of crowds of people.

Its OK to laugh off a clanging mix, YOU'RE LIVE, mistakes happen and that's OK! If you have won the crowd over, then find someone to laugh with, acknowledge your mistake, it will make you appear more human and connected with the crowd, and the crowd will like you more for it. Keep your cool. Trust me!


  1. EYE CONTACT / CROWD CONNECTION. Avoidance of eye contact can appear stand-offish - connect with the people you are entertaining!
  2. GESTURES / PERFORMANCE TO MATCH THE CROWD / VENUE. Don't go OTT if youre in a small venue / crowd (read it) - but REALLY GO FOR IT if you're part of a bigger gig. You need to leave the booth sweating .
  3. KNOW YOUR TUNES - Know how they drop / breakdowns so you can whip the crowd up at the right moments.
  5. ENJOY YOURSELF & BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU DO. - or you might as well go home.
  6. TRY AND be SOBERish. YOU are representing YOU and the night you've been booked for. I've seen a lot of trashed DJs waste the opportunity they had, some even go and play in the WRONG room. You need to be coherent enough to keep the party going, and playing the same track 4 times in a row, clanging ever mix, or not fitting the vibe WILL be noticed, not only by the crowd, but by the promoter too. By all means, have a loosener to relax you, to calm nevers.. But don't be so loose that your knees no longer support you.

Until next time!

Big love from Brighton and BIG UPS @stickupboys @stickupmusic !!

James x