Saturday Night Sounds

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Posting has been getting to become a more regular thing for me thankfully, let’s share some music! I took a break from these music posts for a bit, but may do it here and there.

The aim of this post and others like it is to get more music shared on the platform, music is an awesome part of life! There is so much music that we don’t know about so please share at least one song with me in the comments! I would love to hear some new music.

This weeks theme is a bunch of songs from some solid bands that I love to listen to. Most of them are almost 10 years old, shit that sucks I’m old lol. I think these are all top quality songs so let me know and share some songs with me!

Modest Mouse - Polar Opposites

Muse - Madness

Silversun Pickups - Lazy Eye

The Killers - All These Things I’ve Done

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication

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