For Steemit Musician *How Music Able to Improve Brain Function?*

People who play music do not only have a higher IQ, but also has the ability to solve problems better.

Helle All Steemet , Especially Steemit Musicain, 

People who play music do not only have a higher IQ, but also has the ability to solve problems better and more multitasking than those not playing music.

A study showed that the executive functions of the brain, which is the strongest predictor of academic success, looks more brilliant on those who love music.

Several previous studies, though not shown a direct relationship, also proved that playing music makes people become more intelligent.

Socio-economic status is a predictor of the value of the school, which is also a predictor of the ability to pay music lessons. Allegedly, too, those who have the patience and talent for music are the ones who have the patience and talent to get good grades. This correlation exists but does not show a causal relationship.

One study that examined the relationship between music with the ability to think is a study in 2011 that tested the IQs of children ages nine to 12 years, the music and who does not.

The researchers tested the executive brain function indicators, namely their ability to think critically. These indicators include the ability for multitasking, make good decisions, inhibits bad behavior, and solve problems.

The researchers found that children whose music has indicators executive brain functions better than other children who do not play music.

Researcher E. Glenn Schellenberg, of the University of Toronto Mississauga, found a correlation between music and IQ but the relationship between music and executive functions are not convincing.

"The results do not provide support for the hypothesis that the relationship between music and IQ mediated by executive function," wrote Schellenberg. But neuroscientists behind the current research is not so sure about that.

The team from Children's Hospital Boston wants to compensate for the lack of other studies. So they deleted two important variables, matching the 57 study participants and include them in control and test groups based on equality IQ and socioeconomic backgrounds.

In the end, they get two groups of children and two groups of adults that are similar in many ways, but one group has a significant background music and others have very little background music.

The researchers then observed their brain via MRI while the study participants do serangakain quiz. As a result, the brain is more active than the musicians not musicians. This research has been published in the journal PLoS One.

This study also brings the idea that musical training can help children who have difficulty learning and improve the memory of elderly people.

A 2007 study examined 16 elderly people who follow piano lessons for six months. At the end of the study found, all of which have memory and multitasking skills are better than ever.

This study does not prove, that the people who are not music can not be brilliant. In other words, there is a possibility the ability to think and solve problems quickly may be the reason people can play music well, and not vice versa.

Thanks for reading ;)

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