Twisted Soul - Blockchain Music Contest Entry

Hello everyone.

Today I am posting my entry for the Block Chain Music Contest Season 2 - Round 1

I do a lot of different genres, I don't stick to just one, but House tends to be one of the most common for me, so when I saw the round 1 challenge was for Deep House, I had to jump right in.

I probably could enter multiple tracks for this genre, but had to narrow it down to 1 so I decided to do my track

Twisted Soul
Bufinjer - Twisted Soul 2 (1).jpg

Twisted Soul is also one of my newer tracks, which is another reason I chose this one.

This has a smooth flow to it and I incorporated wonderful vocals to give it that summer festival feel.
It has almost a tropical feel to it, good for Ibiza I think!

Well without further ado, here it is:

Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for Listening!

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Bufinjer Lightning intro.gif

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