The Most Hellish Metal Music

Sometimes I find myself in the mood for some extremely harsh, brutal, and hellish sounding music. This is not the type of music I write but it has influenced some of my writing. If you hate this stuff you can still use it to scare kids on Halloween! Be warned...this is NOT entry-level metal.

It can be hard to describe what makes this music so (at times) unnerving. Sometimes it is atonal/dis-harmonic madness. Sometimes it is just the atmosphere or a really evil sounding riff. Sometimes it is just the right tones and tortured vocals. These are some of my favorite albums in this category.

Blut Aus Nord - M.O.R.T.
One of my favorite bands. They have many albums and not all sound like this...but this is definitely their most hellish. For something a bit lighter check out their album "Cosmosophy."

Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
A band that has many things in common with Blut Aus Nord. Isn't that artwork alone enough to creep you out?

Terra Tenebrosa - The Reverses
The amazing evil atmosphere of this album blows me away. Amidst all the chaos will be some really catchy riffs that stick with you.

Lurker Of Chalice - Lurker Of Chalice
A sometimes confusing album. Interesting use of clean breaks and instrumentation with chanting-like vocals. An eerie masterpiece.

폐허 (Pyha) - The Haunted House
Lots of mystery surrounding this underground black metal album. It might have been recorded solely by a 14-year-old kid in Korea. Straight from the school of original black metal but far more tortured in my opinion.

There it is. I apologize if this stuff gives you nightmares or scares your children. Feel free to share some of your favorite music of this ilk. The darker the better.

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