Chronicles of Alan;Sound Engineer, Anyone? Bohemian 10

The Mark Haze Band were another Cape Town Group I did sound for at the old Bohemian, they came there as a 2 piece( not the full Band) and were excellent, very humble, no attitude whatsoever, went on to have quite a few of their numbers getting Radio Play. Still going strong.

At the time Mark had been on the SA version of Idols in 2011 and finished 2nd , to me , he was clearly better than the Guy who came first ! ( a real space Cowboy)

Before that Mark had entered the American Idols and had been accepted , but did not have the means to stay in the USA for the competition!

Mc Cree were another Good Band from Cape Town who performed at the Bohemian.

In General I found the quality of The Cape Town Bands to be excellent.

I would ask some of them if the Plaque commemorating my Birth in Sea Point was still there?

All of them said they had never seen it! ( would have been really surprised if any of them had been affirmative!)

The one night at the Bohemian , I had a very large Older Fellow( lot younger than me) come up to me , telling me to turn the Music Down. I respond with" Why would you come to a Pub which has its sole purpose of promoting SA music if you don't like loud? off he goes.

About 30minutes later back he comes:" I own this place and I'm telling you to turn it down". Me " Actually the Owner pay's me. You don't look anything like him!", again he wanders off!

30-40 Minutes later he comes charging up to the Mixing Desk, starts pulling out the " Snake Connections" I grab his hand , hit a nerve on his arm , Twist his arm behind his back , shout to Fanie to open the door propel him out , into the street , run back to the desk , sorted ( nobody even noticed).

Next thing his 3 Mates are standing in a row in front of me , arms folded ( to look imposing, I suppose)

Quick Advice for Free:- Never fold your arms in a fight situation!

"Look Guy's, you have been drinking all night , I don't drink at all! We can go outside and I will stuff you up. Or you can go home and come back another time when you are feeling better?"

They decided the second option was more to their liking, and off they went!

I assume I have not told you I did Karate , Boxed in the Army , and know where most of the more unpleasant nerve strikes are on the Human Body?

Till next we meet !

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