SONG OF THE DAY - "Sing Of The Moon" - The Collection (129)


This is seriously one of my favourite songs that I've found this summer.

The Collection is an Indie/Folk band hails from Portland, Oregon, and they're so good. They have a distinctive sound that's a treat to listen to, and I really mean that. When you listen below you'll get what I mean.

I'll be honest, I've only found this song recently, so I don't have too much to say on the band and their music, except that I'm stoked to continue listening to more of their stuff (especially since a couple new singles have been released recently) as my summer comes to a close and I get back into the routine of school life. So, if you haven't caught on by now, you need to take the time out of your day to give this band a listen. Start below with "Sing Of The Moon":

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