hello steemit This is me, guitar and song!

Greetings good people from Steemit, how are you? My name is Antonio José Cortesía Carpintero I was born in Cumaná / Sucre / Venezuela, on May 9, 1961, I am an administrator by trade, but my great passion is music, I am a musician and a composer.

- My career as a Popular Singer begins when my dear father buys a Cuatro, from that moment on there was an attraction to the musical instrument, I was ten years old and the influence of some singers of the time such as Ali Primera, Cecilia Toro; Simon Diaz among others woke up in me that concern to start learning to play the Four, I must confess that tormented my parents at the beginning because I never attended a music school and little by little I was taking some notes humming songs of Ali Primera.

You do not need wings to be more beautiful, the good sense of immense love is enough, you do not need wings to take flight. Silvio Rodríguez

  • Between the years 1978 and 1980 I started to sing in the Orfeón del Liceo Pablo acosta Ortiz and later in the Liceo Luis Razetti located in Av. San Martin in the City of Caracas. In the decade of the 80s he joined the Juan Sebastián Bach Music Academy in Catia (Caracas) in music reading, theory and solfege and Classical Guitar also influenced by Antonio Lauro and Alirio Díaz. In those difficult years I had to leave the academy and my dreams of becoming a Classical Guitarist were truncated, and I started working to help my parents.

  • At the end of the 80s I joined the Conac (National Council of Culture) as a Popular Guitarist and where I interacted with many musicians of that time, thus getting involved in many musical projects such as: Grupo Gaitero Tradición y Progreso, The New Sound of the Salsa Genre, Young Culture and Budare, singing and Parranda of Folkloric and experimental music, all of them between the 80's and 90's. Currently I only sing individually or solo and accompany me with my guitar, songs of the new trova and one more than another of my own harvest, in public and institutional events.
  • I came to Steemit thanks to my son, @garycortesia, who spoke to me about this community and I am interested in participating since it is an ideal way to connect with new people and give a contribution based on my experience, which I intend to translate into each of my post

With a little love my skin was woven and the chisel of my bones was a bit of love. With a little love I am myself, I am you, I am that. Silvio Rodríguez.


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