Moon River Chord Melody

Hi, Steem/Tron! Eventually, after practicing, one hopes to actually sound musical to the best of their abilities.
I did this one without a metronome and I'm even okay with the soloing at the end. I had some noise issues again (time for a new interface) so I kept the levels down on this upload. I think the main guitar might be a bit too 'bassy'...

Some reflections on our current economic model. Talents and skills are not doled out by the Gods evenly and even cultures don't dole them out evenly or value things evenly. in our modern city-state, culture doesn't value personal food production, a likely very serious error in judgment in the coming century and besides the point.

Those whom the Gods have imparted extraordinary talent will always do rather well under this crapitalist model--they will always find a way to survive well, at a minimum. But the system, as it is, is now sentencing the less fortunate to a lifetime of debt slavery and this current ethos will not end well. We were not here to be turned into slaves.

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