The Attack Of 26/11 Mumbai-Facts

26/11 attack was different in a sense that for the first time, terrorists trained in Pakistan, used the sea route to enter India. The terrorists who participated in 26/11 Mumbai attacks were highly trained and were preparing for this strike for quite a long time. Their objective was to create terror and get some key terrorists released a la Kandhar hijacking episode.

1- It was on 21st November, 2008 that ten terrorists left Pakistan in boat, and headed towards India.

2- The 10 terrorists from Pakistan created havoc in the city of Mumbai with more than 10 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks on hotels, a train station, a hospital and a Jewish community centre over three days.

3- On 26th November, 2008, at around 9:20pm two gunmen opened fire at Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway Station, which is said to be world's busiest railway station.

4-An assistant sub-inspector of Mumbai Police, Tukaram Omble, laid down his life for the nation during the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

5-Within an hour, other attacks occurred at four other locations- Leopold's Restaurant, Oberoi Hotel, Nariman House and Taj Mahal Palace and Tower hotel.

6-The next was the Nariman house in Colaba also known as the Mumbai Chabad House. Two terrorists captured the building and several residents were made hostage.

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