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Do You Need Multivitamins?

 Multivitamins are used as a blanket term to state any supplement that provides essential vitamins or minerals, the majority of these are in varying doses. The main purpose of these multivitamins is to cover all bases when it comes to supplementation.Multivitamins are very useful if you have a poor diet. Many people with good diet take multivitamins unnecessary. Much of their benefits are lost if you already have a good diet.

Who need multivitamins?

If you are at nutrient deficiency and you often skip meals, eat unhealthy food on the run, and skip green veggies with all the great phytonutrients that are essential for optimal health, then multivitamin can provides adequate dosages to cover the deficiency risk.Pregnant women can get much from multivitamins as there is much evidence for the benefits of folate in preventing neural tube defects especially when taken in the first trimester. Pregnant women need folic acid, which is important for foetal development, and to reduce complications associated with pregnancy in general. It is always better to consult a doctor before taking any supplements.Elderly people can also benefit from multivitamins, as they tend to be at a higher risk for nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin D, vitamin B12 and certain other B vitamins and magnesium.People who are a strict vegetarian and eat no animal products, then they may not get enough vitamin B12, zinc, iron and calcium. They should consider taking multivitamins or any specific supplements.

What the studies have to say

It was concluded by a panel of advisors at the National Institutes of Health that the proof regarding the efficiency and safety of multivitamins is limited and questionable.A 2009 report distributed in the Archives of Internal Medicine investigated information from the landmark Women's Health Initiative and found that multivitamin consumption did not diminish the danger of cardiovascular diseaseTwo examinations published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010 investigated a decade of data from in excess of 30,000 Swedish females.One found that ladies who took multivitamins were 27 per cent less inclined to show symptoms of any cardiovascular disease.Conversely, the second investigation connected multivitamin use to a 19 per cent increase danger of breast cancer. All things considered, these were observational studies, and don't demonstrate circumstances and end results.Two clinical preliminaries from Harvard including 14,600 doctors in 2012 study found that those taking a basic multivitamin were eight per cent less inclined to develop cancer more than 11 years when compared with those taking placebo. But they did not have a reduced risk of heart attack or stroke.In 2013, an Australian meta-analysis of 21 randomized controlled preliminaries, distributed in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, presumed that multivitamin consumption has no impact on all-cause death rates.A 2012 meta-analysis looked at 21 different articles pulling together 91074 people. What they found was that across all 21 studies taking multivitamins has zero impact, neither good nor bad on mortality risk.A systematic review in 2006 comprising of 20 articles from the annals of internal medicines came to the conclusion that their certainly not enough proof that multivitamins are beneficial in preventing cancer or chronic diseases outside of population that is dealing with malnourishment.Another precise survey in 2013 arrived at a similar conclusion finding that vitamin and mineral supplementation has restricted proof in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease in sound and healthy people.

Problem with multivitamin

Multivitamins vary greatly, so even if there are benefits, it would be very difficult to understand which components are responsible, and at what doses.As it stands out in US one out of three individual takes a multivitamin supplement, making the supplement industry as a 30-billion-dollar industry.Even it is so widely used we still don’t understand the true benefits of multivitamins. People vaguely just believe that taking multivitamin will improve their health.In short, multivitamin does not do much in improving your health. Research also suggests it does not improve cognitive function, prevent respiratory tract infection or any kind of infections.Micronutrients are important for our health and wellbeing but we only need it when we suffer from some sort of deficiencies.  It is the only time supplementation becomes effective.There are some common deficiencies like a deficiency in vitamin A, D, K, iron, zinc and magnesium. The problem is most multivitamin would not give you enough of these anyway. Take vitamin D, for example, were the optimum amount is 1000 I.U – 2000 I.U, but multivitamins have only about 400 I.U. Sometimes either they do have poor quantity and quality of nutrients or they even don’t have that nutrient available in them.A lot of time people consume multivitamins without any deficiencies. It’s better to supplement the specific deficiency that you are facing.

An important thing to note

We should be aware that vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are essential for the human body.People prefer fast food and convenience over quality, which makes them deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. That is why it is quite significant to take quality, science-based vitamins.But even if you take a multivitamin pill, it cannot substitute for a healthy, balanced diet. Vegetable, fruits and whole grains have plenty of fibres as well as many potentially beneficial compounds, which are not found in any pill.Theoretically, multivitamins would most likely benefit those with lower income that cannot afford or financially unable to buy a diverse amount of food. Unluckily, they are the one that is least likely to buy them and the people that buy them falls into the group who don’t need them.The supplement industry is huge and much of its success comes from the sales of multivitamins and it’s so simple to market it. We may get more than enough nutrients from a balanced diet containing fruits and veggies. 

Note: this article is from own website the holisticwellbeing

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