Hats are one of the favorite accessories that men wear to complement the look, both when outdoor and indoor activities. Even so, Mister believes not many men know each of the hat names they wear every day. So, below this Mister will tell you what type of hat that you must have, along with the name and how to use it.

1.Baseball Cap

Baseball caps baseball cap is the most popular hat that men usually wear. You can use this man's hat for various events, such as watching sports games, hangouts with friends, or traveling. Relax, this hat can be combined with various types of clothes, such as shirts, jackets, shirts, cardigans, long coat, even a suit! Importantly, choose a baseball cap with the model and color that matches your outfit.


No wonder not with a hat that has a circle of ribbons on this crown? This type of men's hats commonly used by American mafia figures in movies of the 1920s and 1930s. Yep, fedora! Fedora can be used with various outfits, which is important in color matching with your clothes tone. If you want to use fedora, you should mix with your favorite blazer to get a cool look.


Men's hats are usually made of knit fabric is suitable for use when the air is cold. If you are confused how, you can read how to wear a beanie hat as your guide. And you will know, that beanie hat can be worn in various ways and styles for a moderate appearance


The man's hat that had become a trend in the late 19th century is a kind of stiff hat from laken material that crown shape is round, while the brim is narrow and bent upward. This hat is perfect for tapered or oval-faced people because this type of hat can make your face more rounded. In other words, if you have a round face you should avoid this type of hat.

  1. Boater Hat

For you who want to look more classic, elegant, as well as appear more 'sweet', try deh use a hat made of stiff straw with brim (fringe) flat and the same width of this. This hat is suitable for square-faced people to reduce the impression of a firm jaw line. Combine this man's hat with a suit and a blazer, guaranteed you will look mascoolin and liked by women .

My be useful 👍

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