Steemit Has Rebranded My Life

My life before I knew Steemit was very complicated and boring, ever since my friends @biggijay and @ungest introduced me to Steemit my life has been much fun


Some people will say Steemit is a fraudulent site, but the fact of it is that you have nothing to lose. Unlike Facebook you post to make money

Steemit has forced me to get a new phone so as to not encounter any problem while surfing the website.
I've made little from Steemit but I'm proud to say the little I made is just a start of something big


Ever since @biggijay and @ungest introduced me to Steemit I have been close to them as brothers

I sold my first sbd to @enajo, a friend of mine too and I'm looking forward to selling more and making more.


I Love Steemit and everything about it

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