Eww cringe drawing and moving to hive. LOL

Aghh yess, Welcome wankers. Its been over a year i think since i last login into steemit. I haven't really given the crypto thing much thought but after realizing the potential commissions and friends i can make. (DO NOT FORGET THE $$$) Aghh yess Money, What else could there be.

This is my account lol. I forgot the password and stuff. KEWK (UWU)/


Screenshot (1281).png

Hahahahah Im still wondering if some of the cool peeps i met at steemit are here. I checked some like @apsu but all i saw was the (I moved to hive and so should you ) stuff. Well might as well give it a try.

Asides from missing my friends on steemit. Recently i visited steemit and even visited a few communities i frequented. Such as #trialbycomics and some filipino steemit communities.

There are still some activity but most of the peeps i follow have moved to hive. Some of them moved to instagram and twitter, Ha! I might try as well.

Anyways i should get on into the drawing, i can just talk about stuff some other time.

Moving on.

Screenshot (1282).png

I just made this drawing yesterday so i can see if my drawing skills in photo shop are retained into krita. Ohh yeah i forgot to mention.

Drawing program: Krita
Previous program: Adobe Animate/Photoshop

I should explain why im using krita now. The answer is simple, my laptop is garbage.

Here my stats *Task manager

Screenshot (1283).png

Basically i can only animate a couple seconds if i use Adobe animate and if my file becomes too big for either animate or photoshop. I CAN"T BLOODY OPEN THE DAMN THING! I tried downloading older versions specifically 2010-2011 Ones but i can only manage up to few minutes at most before i face the same issues. I think honestly the problem is me. If i merge layers and combine symbols here and there i can probably reduce the size by half and increase the length that i can work on by 2X.

2min > 4min
300MB > 150MB

Nah not worth it. Krita is my domain now. HAhahhaah, Maybe if i get a PC and strong build. Then maybe i can go back. But for now imma settle with Krita.

The post is getting too long, i'll just do the step by step process on another post. Well i guess thats it. I hope whoever is reading this is my pal by default and if you like leave a comment. I always respond to them *In a toxic manner.

Thanks for reading. Goodbye!

Ohh wait, i just remembered. I already combined some of the layers and added irreversible filters and effects.

Ohh well TOO BAD!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column