A Little Update

It’s been pretty hectic the last few days. I feel like, I have been running on auto pilot, as I got the truck, myself, the girls and the animals ready to move. We spend most of our time outdoors, so on top of organizing everything within our moving home, I had to load her up with a lot of stuff, that makes outdoor living easier and enjoyable. Of course not everything fit in the truck, so some of my friends helped me to move some stuff, like my oven, pallets and my rocking chair.

Cos who doesn’t enjoy sitting outside in the night gazing up at the stairs, whilst rocking.I was lucky enough to find the rocking chair on the side of the road, a few months back and I just couldn’t, not take it.

Somethings just make life more enjoyable, even though I also wonder sometimes, if I really do need it. Which of course I don’t, I just want it.

But I’m getting sidetracked. After taking a few days to pack up, we were ready to move. Even managing to fit in a little celebration for my birthday, the day before. Well it was meant to be little, just a breakfast with some friends, but it then turned into lunch as well. That part was a surprise. But I was super spoiled and it was hard to tear myself away. But I had things to do.


Yesterday was our moving day. I had arranged for a friend to first tow the caravan and then return to drive the truck. After a very sleepless night, one where I ran through every scenario that could possibly happen, me and my girls waited patiently, for my friend to arrive. But as the morning dragged on, I felt myself get more and more tired.

But, there was no time to rest and before I knew it, he appeared and we were maneuvering the caravan, so that it could be latched onto his Landcrusier. It all seemed to be going well, until one of the wheels hit a rock and when flat, very quickly.

Note to self, do a thorough check of the land. In my defense the grass was super long.

Luckily when we pumped it up, it stayed up, so part one of the move could begin.
It was pretty slow going, as the roads were a bit narrow in places and they have quite a few bends. But we got to the land, unhitched the caravan and went back, to get the truck.

Another friend drove with us, she had my girls and the dogs and cats with her. So they were all safely delivered as well.

At first the truck, didn’t want to start and I was really worried for a little bit. But then, just like that, she came alive and the last part of the adventure was underway.

I drove with my other friend in her car, so that we could secure the road. Like I said already, it gets quite narrow in places, so there was no chance of anyone getting past, the truck.

At one stage, the road got so narrow that I was worried the truck would not pass through, but she did. The brakes are not in the best shape either, so it was real slow going. But we made it and now I am parked on a new piece of land, ready to begin a new chapter of my life.

Today was about getting my outdoor and indoor space set up, which is almost done. I am bloody exhausted though. I think I need a long rest after these last few weeks. But it feels good, to have it all done. I’ll post some photos of the new spot soon.

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