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🎬 Movie review | Wind River (2017)

Hello, everyone!

I would say that the movie "Wind River" passed by the Russian viewers. According to the Russian movie resource, "Wind River" was watched by only 169.2 thousand people. "Arrival" with Jeremy Renner collected 1.12 million viewers, but "Captain America: Civil War" and "Avengers: Age of Ultron" got 4 and 6 million viewers respectively. Depressing. I think the torrents will have about the same ratio. I do not understand why people do not watch a good movie.

For Taylor Sheridan (he was the director and scriptwriter of "Wind River"), this picture was almost a directorial debut. In 2011, he shot "Vile" and judging by the reviews turned out to be a nice film. But his career as a screenwriter immediately began with scripts for such films as "Sicario" by Denis Villeneuve and "Hell or High Water", so, this guy gives out a great script year by year. If someone did not watch "Hell or High Water", I highly recommend it.

What inspired Sheridan for the story, which was perfectly embodied the cast of the film? In 2012, the New York Times published an article titled "Brutal Crimes Grip an Indian Reservation". The article tells about the reservation "Wind River" (Wyoming), whose population is 14 thousand inhabitants. The average life expectancy here is 49 years, the unemployment rate is 80%. Child abuse, teen pregnancy, sexual violence and domestic violence are endemic, and alcoholism and drug addiction are an integral part of society.
Part of the population does not have access to clean water, because of the drilling of oil and gas wells, the water has been polluted. The growing generation are surrounded by burnt houses and mountains of garbage, consisting mainly of bottles of whiskey, vodka, empty jars from prescription drugs, mostly painkillers.
But there is one more frightening thing in this. In the US, where it seems that every word of a person is recorded and everyone is watching everyone, there are no statistics on missing Indian women. And thousands of them disappear. The film "Wind River" tells just about this.
This fact was decisive for Elizabeth Olsen to consent to participate in the project.

"I was so shocked after I read the script," she says over the phone. "I wanted to meet [the director] and ask, 'Is this real?' Because I didn't get it. I didn’t understand how this is something that exists in the same country that I live in. These are my neighbors and these are states I’ve been to."

In this place are the characters of Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen. He plays a huntsman Cory Lambert and she is an inexperienced FBI agent Jane Benner. Together, they are trying to investigate the case of a murdered girl who, before her death, barefoot in the snow 6 miles.

But after some time after the beginning of the film, it becomes clear that this is not just a detective and an investigation into the death of a girl, but a social drama. Perhaps that is why the "Wind River" has so few viewers. Of course, it is not for a wide audience. In the film, there are almost no dynamic moments, the whole action takes place against a background of beautiful, snow-covered landscapes. The beauty of nature and the degradation of people - this is what is shown in this movie. You will not find here an intriguing investigation or the intensity of passions. But there will be simple people who go crazy with depression, pain, their uselessness. People are jackals, drunk with drunkenness and so stupid that they can not explain the reasons that prompted them to do this or that act.
The central figure of this whole, sometimes nauseating, story was Jeremy Renner. I know that he is filmed in Marvel movies most of the time and I absolutely do not remember his character, like the plots of these films but he pleases me when he acts the in usual, not superhero, movies. I see his professional growth. Elizabeth Olsen also managed to convey the inexperience of her character well, but Renner was the star of "Wind River".

I liked this movie, although I expected something unexpected at the end. I wanted an unusual turn, a criminal - a "butler", and we were just shown life as it is. I'm afraid most people will find the film boring with an incomprehensible philosophy, many will fall asleep and wake up only in a perfect filmed shoot-out. No exaggeration, pathos, only pure emotions.



IMDb 7.9 // Rotten Tomatoes 87% // Metacritic 73

Image source 1 2 3

New York Times article
