Tommy wiseau, the director of The Room is coming out with a new movie.

Best F(r)iends, the second movie starring Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero is going to be released early this coming year.

It all started after Greg saw a prescreening of The Disaster Artist and decided to write a script. He finished the screenplay in the fall of 2016 and production began on December 9th in LA, very soon after the script was written. Six weeks were spent filming but it took around ten weeks to get all the film needed. After being edited, the film was pre-released on September 30, this year and was played at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.
Originally released in two parts, volume one and volume two. Even though it was meant as a serious movie, the audience was still laughing, most people expecting The Room 2. All of us will have to wait until it is released to the public to judge, but hopefully it will still have some of that charm that the room did.

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