When will the First Trailer for Avengers 4 : Annihalation will come out before the Movie Release??


Lets go by the Time of Release dates of the last BIg Avenger Movies released for the last 10 Years for these movies:

//Avengers: Age of Ultron
//Captain AMerica: Civil WAr
// Avengers : INfinity War

Lets GO:

//Avengers-1-- Release Date of Movie and its First Trailer:

First Trailer Date:

MOvie release Date:

DIfference in Number of Days:

Nearly 7 Months in Range From Oct-2011 to April-2012


//Avengers: Age of Ultron- Release Date of Movie and its First Trailer:

First Trailer Date:

MOvie release Date:

DIfference in Number of Days:

Again 7 months in range from Oct2014 to April 2015


//Captain AMerica: Civil WAr-- Release Date of Movie and its First Trailer:

First Trailer Date:

MOvie release Date:

DIfference in Number of Days:

7 Months again from Nov-2015 to May-2016


//Avengers : INfinity War-- Release Date of Movie and its First Trailer:

First Trailer Date:

MOvie release Date:

DIfference in Number of Days:

Within 7 months from Nov-2017 to April/May-2018

So By All Cases If the movie Avengers 4: Annihalation releases on APRIL/MAY 2019 , its trailer would be releasing out in
either NOVEMBER-2019 or DECEMBER 2019 !!!!!!

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