My absolute favourite all time Sci Fi films

Well, as you’ve guessed it I’m a Sci Fi fan. All those years watching Stargate SG1 hidden away from my friend circles like the dirty secret it was, it’s bound to take a toll. And here I am to expel my top 10 in all their flavoured goodness for you to digest and perhaps watch at a later date.

Star Wars

Yep. This is my ultimate favourite. I remember sitting there as a kid in jaw dropping awe as Luke Skywalker would repel a lazer blast from an enemy clone like it was childsplay. I’m a fan of Yoda meme’s because of this damn trilogy. This was my life as a kid and I bet I could mimic the whole script of the movies before I press play on the films.

The Terminator

Boy did I watch this too young. I remember running around school and playing sarah connor with my friends. This was scary, and horrific, and bloody, and I liked it. Seriously liked it. The two things that really shocked me about this film is how the terminator gunned down people mercilessly to a point I don’t think has been demonstrated in the other follow ups. Just my two cents though.

And the song. Wow. To die for.


Probably one of my favourite more recent movies. And a film I don’t think they could have digitally mastered back in the 80’s or before. But this was one of the better films of its time with lots of storylines lending to the main plot; young love, Dad issues, Son issues, civilian v army. But let’s not forget the jaw dropping aesthetics of the Stargate itself. They just didn’t replicate that in the series. Maybe it was a money thing.

Edge of Tomorrow

Tom Cruise isn’t my best of choices for any film but he was fantastic in this. This has got to be one of my favourite all time movies ever; just the thought of having limitless choices in an unending time loop with memory intact would be a human’s best asset. Never mind the impending doom the aliens are about to bring. This film is beautifully acted.

The Martian

I loved, loved, loved this film. Not only does it display forward thinking and the human instinct to survive but it actually represents a plausible scenario in the near future. The time taken to travel to Mars and the ability to live there for months on end, incredible. We’re not there yet, but shit does this film make an attempt at it.

Starship Troopers.

This is a sticky film for me, because I saw it at around about the time I was in a sticky love triangle myself; probably more in my head when I think about it. But this film hit home for me, in lots of ways. The interactions between lots of the characters in this were awesome. I loved the character dynamics. Not too keen on the Aliens, but, there you go. The gore was lovely

Total recall

Another Arnie special. This was kind of cutting edge for its time. It was brutal, gory and so not for kids. But we all saw it anyway, and loved it.

The Fifth Element

Did you just enjoy it just because of Leeloo? Yeah, she totally made that film for me. Bruce willis was good but Milla Jovovich really good. Multipass? Anyone? Lost on you guys? Lol.


Set on a futuristic earth with a one child rule, an ex army man tries to smuggle his wife out of town because they’ve just had their second child. Super Max Penitentiary off they go. Scary stuff involved but all in all, cracking film

Star Trek

What would a sci fi list be without any of the Star Trek films. I enjoyed all of them, absolutely all. My favourite being first contact.

That's it. Hope you enjoyed my list.

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