Star Wars movies RANKED!

Since ranking the movies has become a thing, here's mine:

  1. Empire Strikes Back (almost flawless)

  2. A New Hope (a solid launch that remains timeless)
    [2A] The Mandolorian (It is kicking so much ass so thoroughly that I am gratefully flabbergasted)

  3. Rogue One (great themes, good plot, strong characters, surprisingly solid dialogue, lots of fantastic action, one bad-ass droid)

  4. Return of the Jedi (I could've done without Boba's silly death and all the Ewoks. -Shoulda been wookies)

  5. Solo (silly at the start but really good after that. Loyal to the characters. Loved the plot with all the double-crossing)

  6. Attack of the Clones (a sci-fi detective story, a forbidden love, Boba's big bad dad, and Yoda whoops ass)

  7. The Phantom Menace (Darth Maul was great, Jar Jar sucked, but the story of Vader's childhood was solid)

  8. Revenge of the Sith (the dialogue was unbearable and so much of the action was implausible)

  9. The Force Awakens (I liked it up until Han's debtors arrive. It hasn't worn well. I'll never forgive them for Po's convenient reappearance.)

  10. Rise of Skywalker (tried to fix the mess from the previous two, but only added more obliterating stupidity. By the end I was rooting for the Dark Side to put an end to it all.)

  11. The Last Jedi (Never has such an IP been so badly betrayed. I'd take Vader's straightforward stranglehold over the snide tyranny of social justice warriors.)

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