Wheel Of Time

I am the biggest Wheel Of Time fan i know. And i was defending the tv series until episode 6. And even i consider it an absolute mess. It really upset me and i am dreading season 2 tbh.
But i love the actors and i suppose they could bring it back.. but i really want the showrunner replaced.
Very sad that the actor playing Matt was replaced. I thought he was outstanding and of all the changes they made to the show, i liked his change the most. Broken family, bad luck, good big brother.. it hit the feels.
Nynaeve had great development.. there were far more scenes spent with her than i expected and she was perfect for the role.
Rand should have been the main character but it never felt that way. A few scenes felt very very Randy. Like when he argues with Moiraine in that one scene. But we did not get many memorable scenes.
They cut out Bale Domain too. Some good scenes on that boat in the books.
They butchered the Shadar Logoth scenes.. and downplayed the significance of Padan Fain and his dagger too.
I'm still so salty about it all really.

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