will Game of Thrones season 8 release on 2019 ? let's see -->


who the people dont know the game of thrones serial movie. no one human in this world never watch that movie except my little brother wkwkwkw. Game of Thrones first release on april 17, 2011 - now. but, wait. is that movie still produce or done only season 7 ?

yeah, everyone just wondering why season 8 is too late the release. we are think it must be a problem. yeah you right broooh. they have a bit constraint the project movie. so, when season 8 will be release ?
the answer is Game of Thrones season 9 won't be released any earlier than 2019 and HBO confirmed the release year back in January this year but nothing beyond that.
so, you dont worry if season 8 late to be release. because very much surprise in it. because many of the epic battle that killed the star and the battle much better than previous season.
okay, by the way this is my first post on steemit. please comment bellow to discuss the movie especially GOT 8.

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